My name is Maranda, and I love to write about cute things, and just anything that interests me. I love Tamagotchis and hope to post tons of photos and information about them. I'm fascinated about tamagotchis. They are very interesting, and there are so many of them.
I just got back from Safeway, spent $84 on food. Yummy! I got lots of soaps and breakfast bars. (Organic) Because I tend to like organic more than no organic. I think it makes you healthier. ^.^ Anyways, my tamagotchi evolved into a Onputchi! She's a musical note! :D She is so cute! I've never had her before! I just gave up on her. but she turning into something great. Haha ^-^ She's great. ~I do not own any of these photos, these are from various sources~
It was hard to position the web cam on this computer so that I could see the Tamagotchi more clearly, but when I get my ID L the color will be better, so I can take clearer photos. :) Here are some of the photos.
I took these on my bed. They are of my Ichigotchi. She plays the piano and loves Jazz. Your tamagotchi can like Jazz, Asian music, Pop, Classical, R&B, and Latino. From what I know. You can also get awards for being number one of that genre. :) That's so exciting! I have one in Pop music. ^-^